Monday, January 30, 2006

Certified Project Manager

Alhamdulilah. I finally succeeced in achieving the title "Certified Project Manager". although it is only a certification from Brainbench (and free!), the feeling of success is overwhelming.

I tried to prepare myself very well before the test. I study the official guide on project management published by The Project Management Institute. I probably has quite a number of experience in project management, but I tried have a comprehensive understanding on the official concepts. After comprehensively studying it, I can see "project management" in a much holistic perspective.

During the study, I sacrifice my holiday (and of course skipping the adventures with Lala), but the reward really worth it. Although my score is only 3,69 (max score is 5), but I am the 8th best achiever in Indonesia. Again, alhamdulilah.

Of course, certification only certifies my understanding of its concepts. True knowledge should be proficiently demonstrated in real world cases.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Everyone can take the test and is free? What is the benefit to have this cert? Will it be recognised by other contries?