Monday, January 15, 2007

The Power of GTFW

I am impressed with the power of GTFW!
GTFW stands for "Gamatechno Framework". It is very easy to use, and far much more advance compared to other framework I knew before. Even a novice like me found GTFW very easy to use. GTFW is one of the masterpiece of Gamatechno, developed primarily by sicopak, neofreko, Ageng, Pakdhe Paydjo, heribertus, teguh, trias, widodo.

You can crosscheck with pak Endar, he saw me creates new project only in seconds, and within 3-4 hours I was able to fetch data from JSX (Jakarta Stock Exchange). I have fetched all of the market index data, everything from 2004 up until today. I really need those data (related with my previous article), but JSX has the same characteristic with Bapepam: they don’t provide a user friendly interface. By now, if I need JCI (IHSG) data, I don’t have to go to the Faculty of Economics.

Soon, I will publish the data, for free… *winking to momon* :)
Here is the the snapshot, showing my customizations from the default GTFW template.


Anonymous said...

So impressed that Mr Yoyok could make a project with GTFW2 within a few seconds. C'mon, show us more about your project. :D

Herman Saksono said...

The new logo is coming right up! :)

Its nice to know that even my big boss still attempting to stay in touch with coding and programming.